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发布时间:2017-11-16 9:19:28 来源: 浏览次数:

 电加热反应釜从不锈钢市场了解到这种金属筛网价格不贵质量也不错,对于小不锈钢反应釜也可以自己设计制造。大规格的不锈钢反应釜则可请不锈钢反应釜制造厂加工。接下来为大家介绍这种不锈钢反应釜底的这几原理和制作理念。因为所有的问题都是因为固体反应物料沉淀到不锈钢反应釜底造成的。那么主要的解决办法就是要在即使没有混合或搅拌的情况下也要避免发生沉淀。这可通过加进一个辅助的不锈钢反应釜底而实现,该辅助的不锈钢反应釜底比实际的要稍高一点,留出3~10厘米的间隙。这样固体反应物将沉淀在这个辅助的不锈钢反应釜底上,而不会在实际的不锈钢反应釜底上形成绝热层。通过不锈钢反应釜底间隙间的对流作用热传递将是连续均匀的。 辅助的不锈钢反应釜底用高强度不锈钢(SS314)制成,上面带有许多小孔,孔径比反应物料的粒径略小,将这种筛网切成圆形。其边缘向下弯曲作支撑,当固体反应物料负荷很重时,辅助底下面可以加一个金属环作为支承。这样便可避免固体物料集中在不锈钢反应釜底。

From the stainless steel market, this kind of metal screen price is not expensive, the quality is also good, for small stainless steel reactor can also be designed and manufactured by ourselves. Large size stainless steel reaction kettle can be processed by stainless steel reactor manufacturer. Next to introduce the principle and idea of making this stainless steel reaction kettle. Because all of the problems are due to solid reaction material to the stainless steel reaction kettle bottom caused by precipitation. So the main solution is to avoid precipitation even in the absence of mixing or mixing. This can be through the addition of an auxiliary stainless steel and stainless steel reaction kettle, the reaction kettle auxiliary than they would be a ittle higher, leaving a gap of 3 to 10 cm. This solid reactant will precipitate in the auxiliary stainless steel reaction kettle, and not on the stainless steel reaction kettle bottom is formed on the insulating layer of the actual. Through the convection heat transfer between the stainless steel reactor bottom gap will be continuous and uniform. High strength stainless steel with stainless steel reaction kettle auxiliary (SS314) made with many holes above the aperture ratio of reactants particle size is smaller, the screen will be cut into round. The edge is bent downward to support, and when the solid reaction material is very heavy, a metal ring can be added under the auxiliary bottom as the support. This is to avoid the solid material in stainless steel reaction kettle.
Stainless steel reactorhigher prices. Tiny damage when there is no need to update the whole sets ofequipment, which requires selection of appropriate repair method, otherwise, itwill make reaction kettle kettle solvent corrosion, the enamel surface damagewill expand rapidly, resulting in production, safety accidents andenvironmental pollution, dyeing and other unpredictable loss. The reactor usedin the chemical industry, because of strong corrosive medium, reactionconditions by fits and starts, and transportation, the use of human and otherproblems, there is always a kind of enamel layer is damaged, due to stopproduction, such as off a large area, it is recommended to choose stainlesssteel reactor.

上一篇我们送上的文章是电加热反应釜在焊接的时候需要注意什么为了更加全面的介绍反应釜加热器电加热反应釜远红外反应釜远红外加热器等产品,我们将持续发布最新知识,帮助大家了解更多的信息。 在下一篇继续做详细介绍,如需了解更多,请持续关注。
本文由生产厂家扬中市金元化工电力设备厂于2017-11-16 9:19:28整理发布。
